although hard pressed, the team eventually won 意味

  • チームは苦戦したが最後には勝利した


        hard won:    {形} :
        hard-won:    {形} : 苦労して[努力{どりょく}して?骨を折って]やっと得た[手にした?手に入れた?達成{たっせい}した]
        be hard pressed:     be hárd préssed (1) ぴったりと追跡されている. (2) 〔時間?金などが〕なくて困っている〔for〕.
        hard pressed:    {形} :
        hard-pressed:     hard-pressed adj. 死にもの狂いの, 苦しめられた. 【副詞】 a chronically hard-pressed business firm 慢性的に苦しい商社 People feel economically hard-pressed in a time of recession. 不況のときには人々は経済的に苦しいと感じる. 【+前置詞
        hard-pressed to:    《be ~》~するのに困る[苦労{くろう}する?苦しむ]、~するのは難しい[一筋縄{ひとすじなわ}ではいかない?負担{ふたん}が大きい] Companies are going to be hard-pressed to find enough people to replace senior workers. 会社は先任者に代わる労働者を見つけるのに苦労することになるだろう。
        to be hard pressed:    to be hard pressed 急きたてられる せきたてられる
        hard won achievement:    
        hard won earnings:    
        hard won knowledge:    
        hard won money:    
        hard won victory:    
        hard-won achievement:    苦労{くろう}して達成{たっせい}した偉業{いぎょう}
        hard-won earnings:    骨折って得た収入{しゅうにゅう}
        hard-won knowledge:    骨を折って得た知識


  1. "although both are addictive, when compared with heroin, methadone is clearly the lesser of two evils" 意味
  2. "although english is the customary means of communication in public and private life, it is not the official language of the us" 意味
  3. "although feminism is essentially a political issue, its social ramifications mean that…" 意味
  4. "although fiction, the story has a basis in fact" 意味
  5. "although greatly outnumbered" 意味
  6. "although he advised many influential politicians, he never sought public office for himself" 意味
  7. "although he attempted to disguise his feeling his lips quivered violently" 意味
  8. "although he could not afford the time, he kindly agreed to see me" 意味
  9. "although he didn't actually mention it, i have the impression that he doesn't want to come with us" 意味
  10. "although fiction, the story has a basis in fact" 意味
  11. "although greatly outnumbered" 意味
  12. "although he advised many influential politicians, he never sought public office for himself" 意味
  13. "although he attempted to disguise his feeling his lips quivered violently" 意味

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